Ford Siyerra + 1.2. Car identification + 2. Maintenance - 3. General data + 3.1. Cars with petrol engines - 3.2. Cars with diesel engines - 3.2.1. Changes in a car design from 1988 to 1993. Dm3 engine 2,3 + Dm3 engine 1,8 + Fuel system + The repair which is not demanding removal of the engine Removal and engine installation Engine dismantling Check of details Check of gaps of a cranked shaft and rods Engine assembly Greasing system Cooling system Coupling Mechanical five-speed transmission of MT 75 type Power shaft and back bridge Steering system Forward suspension bracket Brake system Electric equipment General data + 4. Engines + 5. Coupling + 6. Transmissions + 7. Driveshaft and back bridge + 8. Steering + 9. Suspension brackets + 10. Brake system + 11. Body + 12. Electric equipment
Driving hinge
And and In – places of stuffing of greasing,
With – length of the hinge,
D–diameter of the hinge |
Surface for drawing of pressurizing paste
And – поверхностьдля drawings of pressurizing paste |
Elastic hinge
And – the metal plug,
In – rubber dampers,
With – the plug |
Greasing replacement in hinges
1. To remove a semi-axis with two hinges. |
2. After designation of provision of a semi-axis of rather internal part of the hinge and a metal cover of rather external part of the hinge to take the hinge from a protective casing and to disconnect it from a semi-axis. |
3. To clear the hinge and to check degree of wear of balls and directing. To put greasing in the hinge (see fig. Driving hinge): in space (And) 10–15 g and in space (In) 65–70 g in case of a two-layer protective casing and about 85 g – in case of a three-layer protective casing. |
4. To establish the hinge on a semi-axis and to fix a protective casing. In case of need it is necessary to put on a new protective casing, paying attention to that greasing did not get in it. |
5. To establish a metal casing according to earlier executed designations and to provide its tightness in hinges. |
6. To establish a semi-axis. |
Consolidation of hinges
In case of greasing performance on a hinge surface from under a metal casing it is necessary to arrive as follows.
1. To remove a semi-axis together with two hinges, previously having designated its situation concerning elements to which it was connected. |
2. To take the hinge from a metal casing and to disconnect it from a semi-axis. |
3. After careful cleaning of a surface of the hinge and a metal casing to put on A surfaces (see fig. A surface for drawing of pressurizing paste) pressurizing paste. |
To apply only not hardening pastes and to put them so that it was possible to tighten bolts evenly.
4. To connect the hinge to a semi-axis and to establish a protective casing. |
The driveshaft of the car is connected to secondary shaft of a transmission the elastic hinge. The flange on secondary to a shaft of a transmission is a component of this hinge.
Removal and installation of the elastic hinge
1. Extraction of the elastic hinge demands blocking of bolts with Torx type heads. |
2. Before installation of the elastic hinge it is necessary to check, whether bolts with Torx type heads the moment of 80 Nanometers are tightened. |
If these bolts are turned, it is necessary to cover their carving with Loctite 270 glue.
3. To put greasing on the washers located on both parties of a flange, so that let's to them be turned in the course of a tightening new (at each installation of the hinge) nuts by the moment of 75 Nanometers. |
4. To check a condition of rubber dampers In the elastic hinge (see fig. Elastic hinge). |
5. If rubber dampers are erose or have cracks, it is necessary to replace the driveshaft together with the hinge. It is impossible to replace only the hinge as the hinge and a shaft are balanced together. |
Small cracks on a forward surface of the hinge yet do not mean obligation of its replacement.
Other information concerning a technical characteristics, adjustment and repair of the driveshaft and the back bridge, is provided in section 7. |